Concord Italia: commenti su global compact migrazioni e prossimo seminario nexus migrazioni-sviluppo-sicurezza

09.04.2018 11:18

Riceviamo e volentieri pubblichiamo la posizione di Concord Italia su Global Compact Migrazioni

During the elaboration of the report on the EUTF monitoring, questions were raised on the applicability of effectiveness principle in conflict situation such as those in Libya, on the connections and coherence between migration-security-humanitarian/development policies, and on the role and positioning of NGOs. In fact EUTF is supporting both humanitarian activities for local displaced population and migrants in some detention centres (UNHCR and NGOs) as well as migration management support (training of the Libyan cost guard) and development measures with local municipalities. Also, in Niger, a fragile country with local conflicts, EUTF is supporting both repressive measures on trafficking and smuggling of migrants, development activities on economic alternatives and humanitarian measures.

Concord Italy policy brief on GCM and GCR 6 March 2018.pdf (227196)

seminar and questions for 2nd policy brief following EUTF monitoring 4.docx (22992)




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