DISCUSSIONE ON LINE - Managing the transition from the Millennium Development Goals to the Sustainable Development Goals: What it will take".

19.02.2015 10:21

Dear colleagues and partners,


We are pleased to share with you this invitation to join the e-discussion on specific aspects related to the 2015 ECOSOC theme of"Managing the transition from the Millennium Development Goals to the Sustainable Development Goals: What it will take".


The discussion is expected to provide ECOSOC with concrete inputs for the definition of the next steps to ensure a successful transition from the MDGs to the SDGs. The dialogue is open to experts, practitioners and policy makers of different constituencies and we hope you will be able to join the process to share your perspective.


We look forward to reading your suggestions!


With best regards,

UNDP ART Initiative




Estimados colegas y socios,


Nos complace compartir con ustedes esta invitación para participar en el debate online acerca del tema que se tratará en ECOSOC 2015 sobre la "Gestión de la transición de los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio a los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible: qué se necesita".


Se espera que la discusión pueda proporcionar aportaciones concretas a ECOSOC para la definición de los pasos a seguir para asegurar una transición exitosa de los ODM a los ODS. El diálogo está abierto a expertos, profesionales y responsables políticos de diferentes sectores y esperamos que usted podrá unirse al proceso y compartir su perspectiva.


Esperamos con interés recibir sus aportes!



La Iniciativa ART del PNUD




Chers collègues et partenaires,


Nous sommes heureux de partager avec vous cette invitation à joindre à la discussion online sur le sujet qui sera discuté à l'ECOSOC 2015 sur comment «Gérer la transition des Objectifs du Millénaire pour le développement aux Objectifs de Développement Durable : ce qu'il faudra».


La discussion devrait fournir des contributions concrètes à l'ECOSOC pour définir les prochaines étapes afin d’assurer une bonne transition des OMD à les ODD. Le dialogue est ouvert aux experts, praticiens et décideurs de différents groupes et nous espérons que vous serez en mesure de rejoindre le processus et partager votre point de vue.


Nous sommes impatients de lire vos suggestions !


Avec nos meilleures salutations,

L’Initiative ART du PNUD





Moderators' message: In order to follow the 2015 ECOSOC e-discussion on "Managing the transition from the Millennium Development Goals to the sustainable development goals: What it will take", please access:https://www.unteamworks.org/amr2015



United Nations
Department of Economic and Social Affairs



Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to participate in an electronic discussion (e-discussion) to be held from 17 February to 17 March 2015, coordinated and organized by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

The purpose of the e-discussion is to engage stakeholder groups, experts, practitioners and policy-makers from various regions in a global dialogue on specific aspects of the 2015 ECOSOC theme of "Managing the transition from the Millennium Development Goals to the sustainable development goals: What it will take".

The 2015 e-discussion is expected to provide ECOSOC with concrete ideas and proposals for defining the steps required for the successful transition from the MDGs to the SDGS. The discussion will focus on policy choices and mindset change for an integrated agenda, adaptation by institutions and structures, partnerships for the implementation of the SDGs and the post- 2015 agenda and monitoring and review.

The e-discussion provides a unique opportunity for the wider development community to formulate critical policy messages and recommendations for ECOSOC. Contributions made by e-discussion participants will be included in a summary of the e-discussion posted on the ECOSOC website. The contributions will also be channeled through the report of the Secretary-General on the ECOSOC theme in support of the Council's deliberations on the theme during its high-level segment in July, leading to the adoption of the Council's 2015 Ministerial Declaration.

We hope you will join us for the e-discussion in February and encourage you to forward this invitation to colleagues. Participants may join the e-discussion at https://www.unteamworks.org/amr2015 Members of the UNDG's MDG-Net, UNDP Poverty Reduction Network, Gender and Human Development Report Networks will also receive updates on the progress of the discussion.

Yours sincerely,

Wu Hongbo

for Economic and Social Affairs
Secretary-General for the International Conference on Small Island Developing States

Helen Clark

United Nations Development Programme


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Associazione di Promozione Sociale Januaforum Sede legale e Sede Operativa
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